The Art of Role and Cast Design
for Page, Stage, and Screen

The long-awaited third volume of Robert McKee’s trilogy on the art of fiction is now available to purchase from all major bookstores!

The Revelation of Character.
People are not what they appear to be. A hidden nature waits concealed behind a facade of traits. No matter what they say, no matter how they comport themselves, the only way we ever come to know characters in depth is through their choices under pressure. This revelation of deep character is fundamental—major characters cannot be at heart what they seem to be at face. The writer’s task is to structure story events and design the supporting cast to draw out the character’s true nature.
Following up his bestselling writers’ guide STORY and his inspiring exploration of the art of verbal action in DIALOGUE, the most sought-after expert in the field of storytelling brings his insights to the creation of compelling characters and the design of their surrounding casts.
CHARACTER explores the universe of character and cast design: the dimensionality, complexity, and arcing of a protagonist, as well as the invention of orbiting major characters, all encircled by a cast of service and supporting roles.