Robert McKee’s





Over the course of five weeks this fall, students from around the globe will join Robert McKee live online for his STORY Webinar Series. 

Master your craft with “the world’s best known and most respected lecturer of the storytelling arts” (WALL STREET JOURNAL).

Union, Student, and STORY Repeater Discounts Available.
Contact us to see if you qualify.

The Legendary Story Seminar

Are you inspired by an idea for a story, but don’t know how to realize it? Writing is a question of continuous creativity, not a set of formulaic page numbers. Take advantage of one of the best story brains in the business, and let Robert McKee prompt and guide you to your greatest insights yet. Learn how to apply the principles of story design – which have resulted in masterpieces of all kinds – to your own cinematic, theatrical or literary premise.


What Is Your Goal as a Writer?

Given an inspiring premise and the promise of talent, writers often have no trouble starting off in pursuit of a good story. Yet the love of stories, of terrific characters and a world driven by your passion, courage, and creative gifts is not enough. Your goal must be a good story well told.

For the past four decades, Robert McKee has toured the globe with his legendary STORY Seminar, teaching over 100,000 writers how to harness their creativity through a mastery of the craft. This October, McKee brings the seminar directly to you. In 15 online lessons over the course of 5 weeks, Robert will help you lift your talent beyond convention to create stories of distinctive substance, structure, and style.

If you’re a writer and haven’t attended Robert McKee’s STORY Seminar, now is your chance to remedy that. Right now could be one of those defining moments for your professional writing career. Get mentored by the last standing great storytelling teacher of our time and give your passion a spine.

Find out how it works…

How it Works


Learn online with Robert McKee.

The STORY Webinar Series consists of fifteen live writing lectures in which Robert covers all of the content from his legendary seminar. These 2-hour sessions take place at 1:00 PM Eastern Time every Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday, for the span of five weeks (October 1 – 31, 2024).

“After attending both McKee’s autumn and spring webinars it turns out that I really miss them! Both Robert McKee’s excellent knowledge and wisdom, which is of great help to me and my writing, and also feeling like I am part of a brilliant international writing community just by logging in to Zoom in the evenings from my small living room in the middle of Sweden.”

Elin Olofsson

Live & On Demand

Flexible learning to suit your schedule.

If you can’t join us live, you can catch up at your convenience. Recordings are made available within 24 hours of the conclusion of each event, and can be viewed as many times as you like within the access period. STORY Webinar Series recordings will be available through December 31, 2024.

“The webinars are incredibly useful, and I’m so glad Robert is doing them. It’s really great to have the chance to watch these at my own convenience and not having to take time off work to attend. I hope he continues to do them, I’ll continue to take them. Can’t wait for the next class.”

Marcos Meconi

Q&A Sessions

Live Q&A following every lesson.

Every webinar concludes with a Q&A session during which Robert answers your questions on the topics covered during the lecture, or on any aspect of the writing craft. Participants can submit their questions during the live session or in advance by email.

“These webinars have been amazing and I’m so grateful.  I didn’t realize in the beginning how much the questions would help me learn, but it turns out they are just as important as the lectures. I think that is in large part to the careful attention Robert gives to each one.”

Billie Tomlinson

What You’ll Learn


The grand scope of the STORY Seminar is designed to benefit writers at every stage of their creative journey. You’ll learn everything from the fundamental principles of story design to the finer points of the craft that will set your writing apart.

Story is a Metaphor for Life

The substance of story is not language, but life itself. Every storyteller needs to be something of a philosopher. Robert McKee’s STORY Seminar goes well beyond the essential mechanics of writing. It will elevate your writing from an intellectual exercise to an emotional one, transforming the craft of storytelling into an art form.

The STORY Seminar affords you the opportunity to separate yourself from the herd of writers who will never invest the time to properly master the form and thus will never have the success they truly desire.

“At the heart of McKee’s writing philosophy is humanity. McKee’s lectures combined dramaturgy, philosophy, emphasis on classical roots and writing nuts and bolts. But what made it fresh – what made it inspiring – was the way it was woven together, a Robert McKee theory of Story.”


What Attendees Are Saying

“McKee’s book and seminar, STORY, changed the trajectory of my professional career, from a novelist on her ninth book that wasn’t going anywhere, to a published novelist with a Miramax movie deal.”

Erica Ferencik

“There are too many reasons why Robert is undisputedly the Master of Storytelling, and all of those reasons are self-evident in every one of his lessons. I am a McKee disciple – there is no greater writing apprenticeship possible.”

Natasha Phillips

“I believe that I now have the tools to not only effectively create my own stories but to intelligently evaluate those of others. Besides, McKee is a hoot!”

Marlene Simon

“Out of all the writing classes I’ve attended, every professor and self-proclaimed ‘master’ I’ve learned from pales in comparison to Mr. McKee. He is by far my favorite teacher I’ve ever had. I’m very grateful for his teachings and all the hard work that goes into his compelling lectures.”

Matt Isner

“I joined the spring webinar series and it was groundbreaking for me in every way. What a privilege – I literally felt like I was sitting by the desk of a master, just taking it all in!”

Jane Olander

“A big thank you for the wonderful, inspirational teachings from Robert! I‘m so glad to be part of this, and taking so many new thoughts and ideas from it for my own writing!”

Friederike Giley

“I had several ‘light bulb moments’ as I took notes, and was able to incorporate his ideas into my work-in-progress immediately. This webinar was well worth the time and money.”

Erin Brescia

“In the past, I’ve always considered attending an in-person seminar but life always seemed to get in the way. This format is so much more conducive to repeat viewings, studying and note taking. I hope he will continue to offer his deep knowledge and experience in this format. Thank you!!!”

Ed Han

“I am thoroughly enjoying these sessions and have learned so much beyond my collegiate studies. Robert has inspired, encouraged, and empowered me with his wonderful teaching.”

Becky Bulebush

“I am really enjoying the seminars and am so glad that I signed up. These webinars are inspiring me to make more effort to put pen to paper (or fingers to keyboard!) and pursue my ambitions. I must say that I have attended several different writing courses over the years, but none as inspiring as Robert’s.”

Sharon Grey

“Thank you for offering this online option. I am finding fascinating insights and it’s inspiring me to sort issues within my own existing work. I knew something wasn’t right, but now I know what it is and how to fix it.”

Rebecca O'Reilly

“My grasp of craft is immeasurably stronger by virtue of having attended Mr. McKee’s seminars and read (and reread) his books. I strongly recommend him. He’s one of the best speakers I’ve ever encountered, and his palpable delight at all aspects of storytelling is always infectious.”

Barry Eisler

“The amount of information blew me away.  Wish I had taken Robert’s classes much earlier in my writing process… This was an incredible experience and I’ll definitely approach my screenplays with an entirely different approach.”

Cheryl Willis

“This was more than I bargained for. New understanding, insight & inspiration with practical, USEABLE tools, excellent!”

Carol Roscoe

“Robert McKee is truly a master, not only of the art of story, but the art of teaching it as well. One of the most rewarding and informative weekends of my life, and worth every penny.”

Robert Robertson

“The passion and depth at which Mr. McKee dove into this material gave me a sense of infinite possibilities and growth potential. I’m really excited to use all of his principles and tools to analyze other screenplays, which I think will really allow me to grow as a writer and storyteller.”

John Jurko

“McKee’s teachings are invaluable.  I just want to express my appreciation and gratitude to you.  For your devotion to the significance, scope and magnitude of ‘storytelling’ and the writing process.”

Barbara Seyda

“For years I’ve heard about this seminar and thought the accounts about it were exaggerated. I can reassure you they are not. Robert is both hypnotic and mesmerizing… So happy I attended. An experience I will savor for the rest of my life.”

Lilly Chen

“I cannot tell you how fabulous these seminars are. Robert McKee explains things so simply. It’s a succession of lightbulb moments.”

Varda Tully

Join your fellow writers online…


Master Your Craft with McKee Online

Whether you’ve been putting it off until you’ve produced a polished first draft, or have yet to put pen to paper, there has never been a better time to benefit from the experience and insight of Robert McKee.

Ready to change the course of your writing career?


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