PowerPoint vs. Story: Who wins, and why? What is your reaction when someone says they want to show you a PowerPoint presentation? What is your reaction when someone says they want to tell you a story? We thought so. Robert McKee explains why these approaches feel so different.

Quotes of the Week

“Entrepreneurs tell a future story, a prophecy that we feel will definitely come true.”

– Robert McKee

“You cannot bore people into buying your product, you can only interest them in buying it. You cannot save souls in an empty church.”

– David Ogilvy

“Data is meaningless until interpreted in story form. Stories radiate the deeply felt meanings that equip entrepreneurs to sell ideas, manufacturers to sell products, providers to sell services. The executive must overcome resistance to story and learn how to use it.”

– Robert McKee

Featured Article

“Beware Greeks Bearing Myths”

According to Harry Eyres of the Financial Times, “The ancient Greeks were not primitive at all – they knew exactly what they were doing.”